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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Discount Plants at Home Depot

My poor Cavendish banana plant
Yesterday I was looking for a banana plant to take home and grow as an indoor tree. What I discovered at Home Depot was a wasteland of wilty sad underwatered plants. These are the kind that make you want to take them home and put them out of their miser. Anyway I marched up with a banana plant that was not in the best of shape and asked for a discount. They gave me 25% off. So my $9.99 banana cost me $7.49. I could have talked them down even further but this one is in okay shape.

Make sure that your discount plants will survive. Most plants in the garden center are either underwatered or waterlogged. If the plant pot feels really lightweight, then add water when you get it home. If it is too heavy and the soil is slimy, let it dry out for a day or two. If that does not help, transplant the plant into another container with new drier soil.

Banana plants spring up from the roots. And as long as the center is forming new leaves it will grow just fine. When this baby has been repotted and grows some.

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